Dental Treatments


Porcelain crowns are considered an excellent course of treatment for broken or fractured teeth, decayed teeth, fractured fillings, large fillings, root filled teeth

Metal supported porcelain crowns can be used to replace a single tooth as a bridge.

The metal allows the substructure of the tooth formation, which is extremely durable, but has a low light transmittance.

 These crowns are most robust and durable and  generally used for the rear teeth (molars),  which are exposed to highest pressure while chewing. Metal supported porcelain crowns are often used in tandem with implants.

However, metal supported porcelain crowns are not often used for front teeth, as they do not transmit light effectively.

When designing a new smile for our patients, we recommend veneers with a higher light transmitance and more natural appearance, such as zirconium and ‘E-Max’. The dental technologies available to us in our in-house laboratory, allow us to create high-quality dental coatings over the metal alloy substructure of the crown. This is achieved using a fine spray for coating the metal, before being baked in a high temperature oven. The result is a very durable finish, that will harmonise with the patient’s natural teeth.

ZırconIum Crowns

Zirconia is a white solid ceramic glaze and one of several newer materials that combine metal’s strength with the aesthetic, tooth-like appeal of porcelain. And zirconia crowns are continually being developed to further improve their performance.

Further, Zirconia is biocompatible – it won’t cause any adverse reactions in your body.

Zirconia is recommended for crowns with dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness hides the shadowing.

Zirconium crowns provide a more aesthetic appearance than the former metal crowns, thanks to their ability, to let light pass through the material.

Additionally, zirconium crowns match very well with the patient’s gumline. In contrast to metal-based crowns, they never cause disease or allergic problem with gums.

In zirconium-based porcelains, zirconium (a white colored alloy) is used as a framework instead of metal.

Zirconium-based porcelains are both natural and aesthetic, perfect for front teeth, but although durable enough for molars.


Also known as porcelain leaves, porcelain laminate veneers are used on the aesthetically problematic teeth, without applying any etching or by applying a 0,3-0,7 mm etching, if necessary.

In which conditions are Porcelain Laminates generally used?

They can be applyied to stained or discolored teeth, chipped teeth, slightly misaligned, little gaps between i.e. front teeth, malformed structure, tooth lengthening and spots due to calcium loss on teeth

It is an aesthetic treatment, in which a custom-made porcelain shell is applied to the front surface of a tooth, by permanently cementing it.

Due to their thinness and high light transmittance, they provide patients with a perfect aesthetic look combined with strenght, durability and color stability.

Also known as porcelain leaves, porcelain laminate veneers are used on the aesthetically problematic teeth, without applying any etching or by applying a 0,3-0,7 mm etching, if necessary.

In which conditions are Porcelain Laminates generally used?

They can be applyied to stained or discolored teeth, chipped teeth, slightly misaligned, little gaps between i.e. front teeth, malformed structure, tooth lengthening and spots due to calcium loss on teeth

It is an aesthetic treatment, in which a custom-made porcelain shell is applied to the front surface of a tooth, by permanently cementing it.

Due to their thinness and high light transmittance, they provide patients with a perfect aesthetic look combined with strenght, durability and color stability.


Emax Crowns

These are special type of crowns made from lithium disilicate material.

Also, these crowns are made from a single block of this material, which makes it a high strength crown. Lithium disilicate is known for its superior strength and appealing aesthetics as a restorative crown material.                                                                                                    E-max crowns are slightly translucent and hence come closest to matching your teeth colour.    

This property has made it a popular choice for crown restoration especially in front teeth.  Due to their light transmission properties, ‘E-max’ crowns have a rich depth and vitality, blending perfectly with your exsisting natural teeth.

They have a highly polished surface, that doesn’t allow for the accumulation of bacteria and plaque.

‘E-max’ crowns are designed to ensure a perfect fit with the patient’s gums, preventing tooth decay of neighbouring healthy teeth.

While creating an aesthetic ‘smile design’ for the patient, careful preparation by specialist dental physicians is necessary, when producing the ‘E-max’ coatings.

 ‘E-max’ crowns have higher light transmittance than zirconium crowns, however, zirconium crowns are slightly more durable than the ‘E-Max’ crown.

It is one of the most aesthetically pleasing options, porcelain can be layered on it, creating incredible translucency.

When fitted, ‘E-Max’ crowns are completely indistinguishable from the patient’s natural teeth. 

Dental BrIdge

A dental bridge is used to bridge the gap between two healthy teeth, where one or more teeth are missing.

In most cases, a dental crown is placed on the healthy teeth on each side of the gap to support the bridge in between them. These teeth are known as anchor teeth or abutment teeth. The bridge essentially creates a false tooth, known as a pontic.

Pontics can be produced from porcelain as well, in order to aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth.

Additionally, they can improve the function of the jaw and aid with chewing and speaking.

Dental bridges, that have been placed correctly, can last for several years, with good oral care and regular dental cleanings.


In very most cases we use immediate implants, which are immediately placed into the fresh extraction socket site after tooth removal

The dental implant is a type of screw system-like structure, made of titanium, which is anchored in the jawbone, successfully mimicking the real root of the tooth.

Successful results can be obtained by placing an implant in gaps, as if there had never been a loss.

The success of dental implant applications has been proven by long-term and wide range of scientific research.

It can be easily applied in patients, who have lost one or more teeth but have sufficient bone structure in these areas, where the implant will be applied.

In case a tooth needs to be extracted, the implant can be placed at the same time, in one session.

A great advantage is, that a tooth can be replaced, without treating any neighboring teeth.

However, the general health condition of the person should also be Suitable in case of any systemic sickness, an implant can anyway be applied successfully, by taking the necessary precautions and consulting with their respective doctor.


All on four system  places a complete row of fully functioning replacement teeth on just four implants. This life-changing procedure gives you a permanent and secure replacement for dentures for your upper and/or lower jaw, and can last you a lifetime.

Rather than living with the discomfort dentures, a lot of people prefer “all-on-four” system.

We design a prosthesis on 4 implants for each jaw and prosthesis implants are connected with screws. There are times when, due to the patient’s available bone and other factors, it may be necessary to place more than 4 implants. These type of cases, in which more implants are needed, can usually  be solved by placing 6 implants, which is known as the All-on-Six technique.

In case a tooth needs to be extracted, the implant can be placed at the same time, in one session.


All on six dental implants technique places a complete row of fully functioning replacement teeth on just four implants. This life-changing procedure gives you a permanent and secure replacement for dentures for your upper and/or lower jaw, and can last you a lifetime.

Fixed bridge is permanently screwed to the implants. It is possible for either the upper or lower jaw to be replaced with a bridge supported by six dental implants. 

In which cases is a FULL REHABILITATION WITH IMPLANTS indicated?

In cases of complete tooth loss (upper and/ or lower jaw).

When the remaining teeth are not conservable and must be extracted, due to their poor condition, which can be combined with placing the implants in some cases

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure, used to treat root , to prevent the loss of a tooth. Root canal treatment is not a painful procedure.

The root canal system contains the dental pulp, and extends from the crown of the tooth to the end of the root

The procedure – a small opening is made in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp. Tiny dental instruments are used to remove the inflamed pulp, bacteria, blood vessels and tissues inside the tooth. The canalş will be filled with a dental material before sealed.

A single tooth can have more than 1 root canal. Root canal treatment is needed when dental X-rays show, the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection. The pulp may become inflamed if it’s infected by bacteria, allowing the bacteria to multiply and spread.


The procedure, although knows as ‘Hollywood smile’, involves cleaning and checking the patient’s teeth. The patient’s gums are then given protection, before a tooth whitening gel is applied to your teeth.

Using the latest technology, and under the proper supervision by your dentist, the gel is subjected.  Of course the natural tooth colour varies from person to person.

 Cigarette smoking, excessive tea, coffee and acidic beverage consumtion, the lack of sufficient attention to dental hygiene and care, can lead to yellowing or staining of the teeth. 

 In some cases, structural defects in the womb, in childhood, as well as continuous use of medication, may also cause dental colour variations. The whitening process is the expeditious and most economical procedure for all such cases.


Dentures are artificial teeth and gums that are formed to your mouth and created to replace lost or removed natural teeth. Dentures can either be full or partial, meaning they can either replace all teeth on either the top or bottom gum line, or just a few that are missing. Regardless of what kind of dentures you may need, they will be custom designed to fit your mouth, and visually matched to your existing teeth.

Our dentists provide you with clinicians accurate-fitting dentures, that can be done in fewer appointments.

Glidewell has applied CAD/CAM technology, to streamline clinical and manufacturing processes for better and even more aestetic results. In as few clinical appointments — initial impression, try-in and final delivery — our dentists can provide patients with complete dentures.

An additional benefit is, that the digital design file is saved at the lab for five years, providing clinicians the opportunity to request additional prostheses in the future.

Gum AesthetIc & LIftIng

A dental treatment procedure, that eliminates excess gum tissue and although helps addressing advanced stages of gum disease, as plaque has built up under pockets in the gumline.    Removal of diseased gum tissue and which makes it easier for us, to perform root planning and scaling, and avoiding further serious dental health problems from occurring in the future.

This treatment is the surgical removal of gum tissue, or gingiva, for your dental health,  but is also used to remove extra gum tissue for cosmetic reasons, such as modifying your smile and perfect your smile line.  The most suitable candidates for gingivectomy in terms of dental health, are patients who have advanced gum diseases, untreatable by using antiseptic rinses, root planning/ scaling, and antibiotics alone.

AlIgner Clear Braces

ALİGHNER CLEAR BRACES are currently the most popular and successful dental treatment for adults. ALİGHNER CLEAR BRACES easily help to transform crooked or crowded bit shape, without the need for bands, metal brackets or wires, in order to regain your confidence.

Over 4 million people worldwide, in over 90 countries, have benefited from this new popular technique.    Invisalign technology has enabled them to enjoy their perfect smile. The Invisalign technique uses a series of transparent trays (similar to gum shields).    Every two weeks you simply exchange these trays, which will gradually move your crowded & crooked teeth into a straight line. The transparent trays are very comfortable, safe and easy-to-wear. You can remove them easily while eating, drinking, flossing & brushing.

The greatest part of the Invisalign treatment is, that the trays are transparent and therefore basically invisible.

Teeth ExtractIon

If your tooth is damaged or decayed and can’t be repaired with a filling or crown, your dentist may decide to remove (extract) the tooth as a last resort.  Tooth removal sometimes is the only option. There are lots of reasons why you might need to have a tooth removed.

For example, if you have:

• Severe tooth decay

• Gum disease (periodontal disease)

• A broken tooth that can’t be repaired

• An abscess (a collection of pus) on your gums or around your teeth

• Crowded teeth – when your teeth don’t have enough space in your jaw

• Impacted wisdom teeth

Your dentist will usually remove a tooth in your dental surgery. But sometimes an oral surgeon conduct the procedure in a hospital, if your extraction is more complicated.

You can usually go home on the same day.

Wisdom teeth removal mean,s having one or more of the third molars (your wisdom teeth) in  the back of your mouth, taken out. This can sometimes involve a surgical procedure

Dental Botox & FIller

Botox is often thought of as a way to reduce wrinkles, but there are although a number of uses in dentistry, such as high lip lines, ajusting to new dentures, teeth grinding and enhancing and reshaping your smile

Botox and dermal fillers can help minimize TMJ and migraine symptoms, as well as reducing gummy smiles.

While Botox and other dermal fillers are similar, it’s important to know the difference.

Why Choose a Dentist for Botox and Dermal Filler Treatments?

Dentists are especially adept at treating these conditions with Botox, due to their extensive training and knowledge – in oral and maxillofacial muscles.

Uses in Dentistry:    Edentulous Patients/ Patients without any tooth– In cases where no teeth exsist, the lip muscles become loose over time, and get repositioned due to decreased vertical dimension of face.

Dentures won’t always fit in in these situations and Botox can relax and retrain the muscles around a new denture, to make the transition much more successful.

Gummy Smile

Patients with a high lip line or a Gummy smile can use Botox to help relax lip muscles and achieve a lower, more aestheticly-pleasing smile line. This is a popular option because the entire process isn’t very invasive and can provide a more immediate form of treatment.

Jaw Joint Pain

Patients dealing with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can benefit from Botox injections, as well. TMJ disorders can cause severe pain from hyperactivity of the muscles and treatment options have been limited in the past. Now, Botox can simply relax these muscles and dental professionals can offer quick and efficient pain relief.

Teeth Grinding

Bruxism or Teeth grinding can also be minimized with Botox treatments by reducing the force of the muscular contractions involved. These injections can make a useful adjunct therapy to night guard appliances.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are used by dentists for high lip line cases, uneven lips, and to make the peri-oral area more esthetic. The face looks more youthful and is the perfect complement to any esthetic dentistry case that you do.